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Weald to Waves Walk 

Walk 100 miles through stunning Sussex scenery tracing the route of the Weald to Waves wildlife corridor

Welcome to the Weald to Waves Walk, a 162 km (100 mile) route through Sussex, following the Weald to Waves Wildlife corridor. You can find out more about the corridor on the excellent Weald to Waves website. A description of the walk is here.

The route sees you walking along rivers, across lowland heath, farmland dotted with woods and ghylls, and along the South Downs chalk ridge. It takes in some of the most biodiverse parts of the Southeast, three plant-hunters’ gardens, twelve Saxon or Norman churches, numerous nature reserves and sites of special scientific interest (SSSI) and of course the Knepp Rewilding Project. Many of the sections are readily accessible by train, a little more than an hour from London, and there is a wide range of places to stay, including some historic pubs. The route is straightforward for walkers of all ages and abilities.



For more information on the route, please contact  

Comments (1)

29. Apr.

Hi Ian we met on the final leg of the James Adler walk yesterday. Good to meet you.

Best regards

Nick (

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